Tuesday, October 30, 2012

photo a day.5

Just a warning: some of these pictures are terrible. My iPhone really doesn't take very good pictures without perfect lighting...
October 22, 2012: Cloudy mountains and grainy picture.

October 23, 2012: This is a silly picture. Dressing room before Wasatch Contemporary Dance Company's first show! (Don't worry, she's just scratching her nose.)

October 24, 2012: Post-show. Hubby brought me flores!

October 25, 2012: Aaron's neon bike jacket and the convient hat that was in the back seat of Grandpa Clark's car.

October 26, 2012: New favorite store: Down to Earth (Gardener Village). These are going on my nightstand.

October 27, 2012: Antropologie dressing room wall. I tried nothing on. That's right. I walked in to Anthropologie, looked around, and tried nothing on. Boom.

October 29, 2012: The Kowallis kids after-Sunday-dinner technology binge.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

photo a day.4

October 15, 2012: I failed at taking a single picture this day, so here is a screenshot of a pretty brick wall in a condo we found this day that is too expensive for us to buy.
October 16, 2012: Yet another rainbow across the sky.

October 17, 2012: Another day I almost failed--or you could say I failed because this picture is boring.

October 18, 2012: I had to Google "What is liquid smoke?"

October 19, 2012: Bu-rri-to. Bu-rri-to. 

October 20, 2012: I didn't know these were still available for purchase...
October 21, 2012: What a cutie. If I had had a camera on hand, I would have taken a picture of one of our 5-year-old primary girls helping one of our 5-year-old primary boys try to button his top shirt button as they were sitting on the stand for the primary program.

Monday, October 15, 2012

photo a day.3

October 8, 2012: The Q

October 9, 2012: Aaron never turns down a chance to play on a playground or swing on a swingset...or do something else crazy and perhaps slightly dangerous

October 10, 2012: Time for a new filing system...and I am so excited to organize it!

October 11, 2012: Center Street, Provo, UT

October 12, 2012: Rainbow on our way to Park City. (Stay posted for other beautiful stormy pictures from this day!)

October 13, 2012: Tanger Outlets, Park City, Size 17.

October 14, 2012: Alpine Loop. Family and Friends--when planning a trip to Utah, make it in October. (Again, stay posted for more pictures of gorgeous fall colors)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

photo a day.2

October 1, 2012: Aaron shaves.
October 2, 2012: The mess that is, and seems like it always will be, my study.
October 3, 2012: Aaron watching the debates. Yes, he is hugging the blanket with anxiety. And the disconcerted look on his face means Obama was speaking.

October 4, 2012: Qualtrics party at Provo Beach Resort. I killed Aaron at bowling.
October 5, 2012: I randomly get asked to fill in for a sick dancer, learn a duet in 30 minutes, and perform it 4 times in one night at the Museum of Art on BYU campus.

October 6, 2012: Mid-conference break on a beautiful day.
October 7, 2012: Homemade fall wreath.