Monday, January 6, 2014

elsie: 2 months

This is way late, so here's to remembering...

2 months

--By far the best part of month 2 = smiles!

--The conversation improved greatly, too. I swear she would say "Hello" to me

--She is just barely getting too big for her newborn sized clothes, but the next size up still seems too big. And she didn't make it to fit into her Christmas jammies in time for the holidays...

--She still sleeps pretty well, with usually at least one longer stretch somewhere in there. She till gets tightly swaddled whenever I put her down, and she still sleeps in the Rock and Play instead of her crib.

--Her daddy is rigorous with her baby exercises, including tummy time, standing time, and airplane time. She is getting good at holding her head up.

--She likes to look around and can often be calmed by being held "football" style.

--She started following things with her eyes and turning her head to keep focus with a passing object or person.

--She likes to interlock her fingers and pull them to her face in the-cutest-manner-possible. See picture two above. 

--Sometimes we wake up and it seems like she has grown way too much while we were sleeping.

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